Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Work, bloody work

I work for a pharmaceutical company. We get animal-rights protests outside occasionally - we do have testing on rodents going on at this site. (Nothing to do with me, I work in the human trials area.)

They claim that we should stop testing drugs on animals, and use humans instead. What they think vetinary medicine should be tested on is anyone's guess. But I'm doing my part! I donate blood for research purposes. Half a litre over a 3-month period.

Or 400ml in one morning. And unlike the blood service, they don't just leave gravity and venous blood pressure to do the work. Oh no, they get right in there with syringes and actively suck it out of you.

Today, they used 20 syringes, and a needle that could have been used as a ballpoint pen. I got two lousy chocolate biscuits, and then back to work I came.

Still, I'm sure it's worth it for the satisfaction of knowing that I helped them get new medications onto the market.

The £100 tax-free bonus I'll be getting in time for Christmas is, of course, of no relevance at all.


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