Saturday, November 19, 2005

The joys of shopping

There aren't any.

This was brought home to me yet again this morning, courtesy of my mother.

Having taken last week off entirely so that I could go shopping without all the weekend hordes doing their Xmas buying, you can imagine how thrilled I was by my mother's request that I go & buy myself a new shirt & trousers for her to give me for Xmas.


So we went to M&S where I'd seen a shirt I rather liked, but hadn't bought yet. Other M&S stores didn't have that one when I looked - only a darker one that wasn't quite so nice. When I went there yesterday, my local M&S didn't sell it any more either - only the dark one.

Butthe dark one was still an OK shirt, so I went to get it.

They'd sold out of it, too.

Spent a while pratting about with other shirts & trousers, which either looked awful or didn't fit, despite being the right size on the label.

Gave up & headed back to the car. On the way, we passed TK Max & Lou suggested we try there. Reluctantly, I agreed.

I don't much like TK Max - they have some hideous clothing & it's badly laid out. However, they have one redeeming quality that at least makes me willing to enter them: They arrange clothes not by brand, but by size.

This amazingly good idea I've encountered in only two or three shops, and it still baffles me why other shops don't use it. It's such a wonderful experience. It eliminates forever the chore of looking at every bloody item in the shop, deciding which ones you like enough to buy, and then finding that they don't have it in your size.

I'm sure you've had it happen numerous times: "Oh, that's a nice shirt that doesn't fit me." "I like these trousers that they haven't got in my size." "I'd buy two of these jackets if not for the fact that I can't even buy one."

Instead, you can simply go to the bit of the shop that holds all the clothes in the place that will fit you. And then you decide which ones you like, and you buy them. No frustrations at all: If it's in your section, you can buy it.

Wonderful! And yet, so rare!

So, I hunted down a shirt that I rather liked, because it wasn't blue (All my casual shirts are blue. Absolutely all of them. I'm sick of having to choose between a dozen different blue shirts) and some jeans that I liked because... well, they were jeans. What difference does it make, they're all blue denim tubes sewn together at one end.

So that was that sorted, and now I can give them to my mother tomorrow and act all surprised when I get given them for Christmas next month.

I hate shopping. Especially for clothes.

And especially when I have to do it at the weekend, a month away from Christmas, right after a whole week off when I could have gone shopping for the poxy things in peace!


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