Friday, December 09, 2005

You can't make this up

I got an email today, about a metaphor I used in explaining that Linux is different to Windows. I said that it's like cars being different to motorbikes: Just because they are both road vehicles, doesn't mean you should expect the same controls; so just because Linux & Windows are both an OS, doesn't mean you should expect the same interface. And so on.

As a parallel for Linux having no need of an antivirus, while you shouldn't use Windows without one, I pointed out how an airbag was an important safety feature for a car, but you wouldn't find one on a bike.

Silly me.

But it's for a Goldwing, and that's more of a car on two wheels than it's a motorbike. So I think the analogy still stands ;o)


m.r.bob said...

You have a blog! :P

11:22 PM  

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